Monday, August 20, 2012


 Important information needed!!!

I would like to know how to get bloggers. Is there any information you can give me on getting more followers or even people just looking at my blog. i would be really greatfull if you could do that for me.Thankyou!!!!


  1. Okay first of all:
    Comment on other blogs.
    Follow if you think you'll read them (click the join this site above the followers)
    If you do not know any blogs go to my blog ( or Charli's blog and go through the blogroll or followers list until you find one that you like. leave comment..follow ...
    Maybe you cold add an "about me" page so people know something about you...

  2. ~Create a blog button? or is the world your blog button?
    ~you could change to blogger profile instead of your google+ account if you want. It's just easier I think.
    ~Follow my blog?
    Oh I just realised you did add the follow widget.. never mind...
    Marian :D x

  3. sorry for asking but whats a blog button and how do i make one i know i sound stupid but im just trying to learn.

  4. Basically it's a picture that other's can advertise on their blog with a link to your blog. Not everyone has one but I think it kinda makes it look like you put more effort into your blog...

  5. oh thanks and how do i make one.

    1. Hey Tom, in answer to that, use a editing site like picmonkey. Like, your blog pic is the world, right? So upload that, and write the name of your blog on it, i.e The World. Some people know how to make a special box with a HTML so it has a direct link but some just have a pic and ask people to link to it through it. I have a logo but not a button.

      Other advice:
      - If you comment on another person's blog, people other than that person will see the comment, taking them to your blog too. So go find a blog that interests you!
      - Like Mars says, an About Me page would be good. Also, I have a "contact me" one, where I say about my blog's email. (Don't use your own as you get loads of junk from people who want money)
      - Get involved! For instance, you are now part of Just 1 Page!

      I have other tips, I will email them to you.
