Sunday, August 19, 2012

my first post

Im not very good at blogging but i hope i pick it up along the way because it seems really exiting and i only know one person who blogs but i hope to know more and more. so please tell people about my blog. Thank you and enjoy.


  1. NO WAY!!!! So cool! Think I might have given you my email wrong...

    Anyway. Blogging advice.
    1. CAPITALS AND PUNTUACTION. On this very post right here... none. Sorry to be harsh and all, but the blogging world is a tough life.
    2. Personalise. Click design to change backgrounds, fonts, etc. Then Layout to add pics, videos, etc.
    3. Follow other blogs, then leave a link to yours!

    You know... I like the name. Very Tom-ish.

    1. ty and dont worry about the email give it to me on the 4th of september and check my blog out now its getting better as i discover how to us it ty for your advice.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thank you how do i make a banner and which one is better a banner or picture. oh and thanks for the new email i will email you straight away.

    4. OK. What I do is go to paint, make the banner size and fill it with the colour I want as on most editing websites you have to upload a pic. I use picmonkey, personally. Then, if you use picmonkey, go to the icon of little pics and pick overlay-your own. then you can do what I do and add pics off google images of things like books, bands and games. For text click the icon with the P, click on one you like, then click add text. Play around with it!

    5. That sounds really complecated to me so i will find a small picture for now.

    6. Yeah... I'm bad at explaining things... let me try again..

      1. Go to paint, make a rectangle, fill it with whatever colour you want your background to be. SAVE IT!!
      2. Go to and upload that rectangle. Then, just play around with the different options.

      Hopefully that's a bit better, when I have your email I will do a longer explanation

  2. Hey, Tom. Think I may have a new mild addiction to Epic Rap Battles of History. Any medication?

    1. no but its the same with my brother he has been listening to it to as u didnt get my email i said i got a blackberry yesterday and its amazing cant wait till scouts.

  3. Hey, know I have commented a lot... but still. Anyway. can you please pledge for Just 1 Page? Could use more pledgers, and I know you in reality, so even better!

  4. ok i am very intrested how do i pledge.

  5. Go to my blog, click the tab Just 1 Page and just add a comment saying you are pledging.

    P.S Have you emailed as it isn't coming through. If you have and it isn't working just email me through my blog address cos then I will have your email address and will email you on my own email.

  6. No i havent emailed yet im just getting the blog ready first sorry :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hello!
    Welcome to the blogosphere!
    You think you could put the follow gadget on you sidebar
    (find it in layout, gadget, follow...
    Marian :D x

    1. Hey Mars! How did you find out about Tom? Was just about to add him in blogroll! He is in my scouts :D

    2. Thankyou for letting people know about my blog and by the way I am posting this on my blackberry

    3. I will try but I am new to this sorry.

    4. Hey Charli! Am Tom commented on one of your posts! I like to read a whole lot of posts together so I might not be on your blog for a whole week but I do read them all!
      Tom- put the follow gadget on your sidebar!!!
      Marian :D x

    5. ok sorry that i havent done that already
